Sunday, August 23, 2009

WHOA! Where does time go!?

I cannot believe it's nearing the end of August already and fall is just around the corner! Andy and I just celebrated our birthdays. Andy turned 27 and I turned 25. I am still in shock! Ha ha! The biggest shocker is that our babies birthday's are in just a few weeks... Kait will be 1 on Sept 5th and Tyson 2 on Sept 21! Gosh this year has FLOWN! I start teaching dance Sept 14, it was supposed to only be 2 nights a week, however my classes filled up and needed to be separated so now I am teaching 4 nights a week! It will be good for me though. :) Other than that, not too much excitement... I suppose that's a good thing too, ha ha! Here are some updated pics of the babes! Tyson is talking up a storm, it's SO cute, he calls Kaitlynn "Keekee". It is so much fun watching them grow and interact with one another, they play and laugh and fight... and I love every minute of it! I am so blessed to be able to stay home with them! Kaitlynn just cut 4 teeth and she's eating like a big girl now, she's no longer nursing (bitter sweetness), and she's SO close to walking!

Til next time! Hopefully sooner than later! ;)