Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tyson is 2!!!

Last Friday we ventured up to Helena, Montana for Andy's Grandpa Jim's funeral service at the VA Cemetery. It was hot and stressful, a 2 hour drive for us and we brought the babes. During the service we struggled to keep our two babes quiet and then afterward Tyson decided he liked how his "boops" (boots) sounded on the concrete so he was walking all over tombstones! EEK! lol But Andy decided to take some pics and let Tyson be... as Andy was taking pics of the urn that he and his dad built for his Grandpa's ashes Tyson walked up to the stand and rubbed it and said "grampa". The coolest part was Andy captured it with our camera! It's so cool to see what kids do when you just let them be...I get a lump in my throat at just the thought of my precious baby boy growing up so fast! Yesterday was his 2nd birthday! We went to the grocery store in the morning to get muffins for breakfast (his favorite) and while we were there he saw balloons and immediately pointed that direction and said "elmo boon!" He knew exactly what he wanted, so we strolled that direction and he picked out his elmo balloon and then he saw a display of stuffed animals and he found just what he wanted, a stuffed "kitty". He picked out the color he wanted and everything. Then we went home and colored and had lunch with Dadda and Grama Joan, McDonald's and a cupcake! He got presents from her and more balloons! Unfortunately Andy and I had commitments last night so we couldn't be home for dinner, (that's why we made the "day" extra special) but Cara, our sitter, took them to the park after dinner and bathed them and got them all ready for bed for us! We were much impressed and extremely grateful! So when I got home I was able to spend a lil time cuddling and loving on him and then put him to bed.
This morning I was making coffee for Andy in the kitchen and Tyson comes walking in with his bear in arm and said, "Mama, fedcine". (Fedcine = medicine, aka "Tylenol"). I said "what do you want honey?" he proceeded, "Mama, I want fedcine." Then he turned to his bear and asked "you want fedcine?" OH! My heart melted! It was the first time he's actually said a total and complete sentence! I was SO proud! Of course he didn't get "fedcine" but it was just so darn cute! He knew exactly what he wanted! His little personality shines more and more every day and it is so cute and so much fun to watch him grow and change!