Friday, November 13, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

I should probably start off by apologizing for it being FOREVER since I last blogged! I never imagined just how busy teaching dance again was going to make my life. But I'm sure most of you aren't real hurt by me not blogging because I post almost everything going on in our family on Facebook! Ha ha!

Not really anything new... same old same old... Tyson and Kaitlynn continue to grow like wild flowers and get cuter and smarter every day!

Tyson just amazes me! He already knows most of his letters and numbers! He has a set of foam letters and he loves taking them out of their bag and telling me what they are and if he doesn't know he asks and then surprises me by knowing the next time. He talks ALL the time and he is such a sweetheart!

Kaitlynn talks more and more every day. She is such a little ball of fire, always happy and always busy doing who knows what! Still not walking yet though! Little stinker! She walks holding on to things, like push toys, but has yet to let go and do it herself. She will though, it's all on HER timing! ;)

Andy and I are doing great! Staying busy between the kids, me teaching dance and now it being hunting season... we try to watch recorded tv shows together and usually fall asleep during them and then moan and groan when we have to get off the couch and venture to our bed! Ha ha! But it's good for us to be able to do the things we love!

We're trying with all our might to get to Kingman, AZ for Thanksgiving this year! The only thing that seems to be hindering the positivity of it is the weather and mulah! :-S Hopefully it will all work out though! It will be SO nice to see my family on a major holiday!
Till next time...